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Andropause Warning Signs Estrogen Relationship
Andropause Warning Signs and Estrogen Relationship

The hormone progesterone and andropause symptoms seem to be connected. Most andropause symptoms start when problems with the prostate begin to occur. The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that is approximately 1.5 inches long and located just below a man’s bladder. Its primary function is to produce fluid for semen. In order for the prostate gland to function properly, adequate amounts of hormones are needed, including progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. When proper amounts of these hormones are not naturally produced, andropause symptoms such as prostate problems begin to occur.

Andropause Symptoms and the Estrogen Connection

Andropause Progesterone Cream InfographicSome of the most common problems that occur when males first begin experiencing andropause include frequent urination, fatigue, low sex drives, and enlarged prostates. This is a result of a testosterone/estrogen imbalance. Although testosterone is the male hormone most thought of, men also naturally produce small amounts of estrogen from testosterone. The problem arises when men begin to age and their testosterone/estrogen ratio declines, sometimes almost dramatically. Now, understand that an enzyme known as “aromatase,” which is particularly prevalent in fat cells, converts testosterone to estrogen. Because most men lose muscle and gain fat as they get older, their aromatase activity increases, which, in turn, reduces the amount of testosterone in the body while at the same time increasing the amount of estrogen in the body.

It has been reported that with the suppression of estrogen levels and restoring the testosterone/estrogen balance, as well as increasing progesterone levels, andropause symptoms can be lessened and even possibly eliminated. Fortunately, today, there are natural remedies available that help men achieve this hormone balancing of testosterone/estrogen levels.

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